Obion County Board of Education
April 4, 2011

Agenda Item: VII.H.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #3.500 – Food Service Management

Background Information:

To help clear up any confusion over wording, Ms. Judy Denman has suggested an amendment for Board Policy #3.500 – Food Service Management. On page 2 of the policy under the title “Competitive Foods/Vending Machines,” Ms. Denman suggests that the Board strike the second paragraph and replace with “The sale of all competitive foods and beverages to students during school hours shall be in compliance with current state and federal regulations addressing competitive foods. Sales of any foods or beverages outside of the cafeteria shall be limited to the time period following the end of the last lunch period.”

Staff Recommendation:

Since this new wording does not change the intent of Board Policy, I recommend approval of the above-noted amendment to Board Policy #3.500 on first and final reading.